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Find True Freedom in Christ

The world’s discourse promises freedom but delivers a yoke of slavery. Christ, however, promises a yoke of service that delivers true liberty.

At the capstone of his great argument for the gospel, Paul encourages the Galatians, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1). For Paul, a return to old-covenant law observance imperiled the freedom given in Christ. Today, it’s more likely to be freedom that lands us under a yoke of slavery.

When it comes to freedom, we tend to inhabit two parallel worlds of discourse. In sermons, in Bible studies, and in our devotional lives, we learn about how true freedom is found in Christ. Sin is the worst form of slavery, and Jesus sets us free from sin. Freedom is found internally and belongs to the soul—and, significantly, it involves committing to only one Way.