As Christ’s followers, we must also be FOR those who are in need, not content to live comfortably and blind to the spiritual war going on around us.
A Prayer for Peace around the World This Christmas
By Amanda Idleman
Bible Reading
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” – Matthew 5:9
Listen or Read Below:
InMatthew5:9,Jesuscallsustobe peacemakers, meaningwearetobetheoneswhohelpbridgethegapwhenaneedisinfrontofus.Beingapeacemakerlookslikebeingthefirsttoapologizewhenanoffenseoccurs.Additionallyitmeanswecanbeprayerwarriorsforpeopleandplacesinourworldthatareinconflict.Wemaynotbeabletosolvetheconflictothersarecaughtin,butwedohavethepowertointercedeontheirbehalf,askin